Criminal Defense Investigations
Criminal Defense Investigations for Lawyers and Pro Se Litigants in PA
Shinkowsky Investigations provides private investigators specializing in criminal defense in Pennsylvania and throughout the United States. A Criminal Defense Investigator can be the key to your freedom! Our seasoned investigators can assist you throughout central Pennsylvania, including the cities of Harrisburg, York, Lancaster and Lebanon. A criminal defense investigator on your team can mean the difference between freedom and incarceration. Our team provides the criminal defense investigation services needed for an aggressive defense.
Shinkowsky Investigations is a professional private investigation agency with years of experience in criminal investigations run by a former police officer (Chief of Police). We specialize in criminal defense and civil investigations for criminal defense lawyers and pro-se clients at all stages of litigation.
A leading criminal defense investigative firm, we pride ourselves on our continued success in proving the innocence of the accused, and by providing irrefutable evidence to overturn convictions in appellate courts. We understand how to find the true evidence to prove a defendant’s innocence which often concludes in full acquittals or reduced sentences. Whether charged with a misdemeanor or felony, DUI, sex crime, gun crime or criminal homicide, the team at Shinkowsky Investigations is prepared to help you.
Crime Scene Investigations and Witness Interviews
- Locating witnesses
- Gathering statements of witnesses
- Evaluation of witness statements
- Evidence collection and preservation
- Review of police reports, records and personnel files
- Independent analysis
- Background investigations
- Crime scene investigations
- Trial exhibit preparation
Our Harrisburg, PA-based private investigation company employs professional investigators and process servers in Lancaster, York, Lebanon, and Carlisle, PA, among other areas of the Commonwealth.
We provide comprehensive, efficient, and cost-effective services to meet our client’s investigative, security and process service objectives.
As a corporate Private Investigation Agency in Pennsylvania, all assignments are handled expeditiously by trained, experienced agents.
Call us today for your private investigative, private security and process service needs.

Office Address:
4511 Jonestown Road, 2nd Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17109
Mailing Address:
Post Office Box 126538
Harrisburg, PA 17112
(800) 276-0202
FAX: (800) 996-1246