Product Counterfeiting/Product Diversion
Shinkowsky Investigations is a licensed Pennsylvania Private Investigation Agency which provides product diversion and counterfeiting investigative services to businesses nationwide. Our expert investigators have the experience needed to conduct product counterfeiting and product diversion investigations to have these “knock off” products removed from commerce.
Product Diversion and Product Counterfeiting Investigations
When products are counterfeited or diverted from their legitimate distribution systems, the financial implications and harm to a company’s reputation can be unsurmountable. In order to effectively protect a company’s product and brand assets, and to protect a company’s intellectual property, it is important to proactively and regularly conduct product diversion and counterfeiting investigations including review of trademark infringements.
What is Product Diversion and Counterfeiting?
Product diversion and counterfeiting is an expensive problem for product manufacturers, distributors and wholesalers. It includes the sale of “knock off” goods or stolen goods at lower prices through illicit and illegal operations. Product diversion and counterfeiting decreases a company’s profits, destroys healthy competition, and can damage a company’s reputation by delivering inferior products to consumers.
Just walk down any main consumer thoroughfare in major metropolitan areas such as New York City and Philadelphia, and you will find people selling counterfeit and diverted products on the sidewalks and out of their cars. You will also find people selling these “knock off” counterfeit products in retail stores, yard sales, home parties and flea markets. The private investigators at Shinkowsky Investigations conduct undercover field operations to identify product-counterfeiting and other unauthorized diversion activities. Our trained investigators can identify the individuals and their associates as well as their sources and methods of operation. Our experienced investigators have extensive training and backgrounds in law enforcement and private investigations.
Our clients depend on our comprehensive, efficient, and cost-effective services to meet their investigative objectives. As a professional Private Investigation Agency, all assignments are handled expeditiously by trained, experienced agents. Call us today for your private investigative, private security and process service needs.
Office Address:
4511 Jonestown Road, 2nd Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17109
Mailing Address:
Post Office Box 126538
Harrisburg, PA 17112
(800) 276-0202
FAX: (800) 996-1246