Domestic Investigations
Private Investigations for Domestic Relations in Pennsylvania
Shinkowsky Investigations specializes in private domestic relations investigations in Pennsylvania and throughout the United States. Our team can collect the evidence you need in child custody, child support, cohabitation, spousal support (alimony), and infidelity cases.
When domestic issues arise, it is in everyone’s best interest to hire a professional investigator to handle the investigation. Investigators have the resources and skill to obtain all relevant domestic relations evidence legally so that it is admissible in court. Our private investigation team is trained to
Our professional private investigation agency has years of experience in domestic investigations including:
Child Custody Investigations
Child custody cases in domestic relations can be contentious. Information about the other parent can define or alter custody arrangements in the best interest of the child(ren). Shinkowsky Investigations’ private investigators often conduct surveillance to ensure that the child is safe and free from abuse, neglect, negligent conduct, and other unsafe situations which could be brought on by the other parent or guardian. Our investigators conduct legal and ethical investigations so that the evidence obtained is admissible and will hold up in court.
Cohabitation Investigations
When spouses file for divorce, alimony is often contested by one or both of them. Alimony is dependent on many factors, however, there is one factor that is always an issue which is financial stability. Cohabitation investigations are used when alimony is an issue and one spouse is being asked to pay for the other’s support – even when the other is cohabitating with another person. Our domestic investigators will uncover the evidence necessary to ensure that you are not being taken advantage of.
Infidelity Investigations
Infidelity and divorce is often a reason for individuals to hire a domestic investigator. Marital investigations are handled by our professionals who can provide a suspicious spouse with the evidence needed to prove infidelity. We employ professional, discreet methods of surveillance to perform the necessary investigative work without alerting others about the investigation. In cases of divorce, domestic investigators may be called upon to find evidence that will be used against a spouse in divorce proceedings, such as evidence of gambling, cheating (infidelity), illegal drug usage, gambling, or other behaviors disruptive to the marriage.
A question we are often asked is:
How do I know if my spouse is cheating on me?
There are many signs that a partner or spouse is cheating. Typical signs of infidelity include:
- Behavior is out of character.
- You have a gut feeling that you’re being cheated on.
- Inexplainable charges on the credit cards.
- The other partner or spouse recently began using birth control.
- You are forbidden from using the other’s computer.
- Unusual travel or continual late meetings with vague details.
- New email account or cell phone that you weren’t told about.
- New or hidden social media profiles.
- Decreased or increased desire for intimacy.
Our private investigation company employs professional investigators and process servers in Harrisburg, Lancaster, York, Lebanon, and Carlisle, PA, among other areas of the Commonwealth. We provide comprehensive, efficient, and cost-effective services to meet our client’s investigative, security and process service objectives. As a corporate Private Investigation Agency in Pennsylvania, all assignments are handled expeditiously by trained, experienced agents. Call us today for your private investigative, private security and process service needs.

Office Address:
4511 Jonestown Road, 2nd Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17109
Mailing Address:
Post Office Box 126538
Harrisburg, PA 17112
(800) 276-0202
FAX: (800) 996-1246