Insurance Investigations
Insurance Company Investigative Services
Shinkowsky Investigations provides a complete line of private investigative, process service, security services and litigation support to insurance companies, self-insured employers and third-party administrators. Our insurance investigations assist the insurance defense counsel in making informed decisions about case strategy.
Shinkowsky Investigations has been serving the needs of insurance companies for more than 15 years. In additional to investigating vehicle crashes, damaged cargo claims, theft claims, disability and medical malpractice, our Insurance Investigations services also include:
Alive and Well Checks
An Alive and Well check is an in-person interview which ensures the claimant or beneficiary is, in fact, living and receiving benefits. We verify the claimant’s Social Security Number, check the Social Security Administration Death Master File, conduct interviews with neighbors and relatives, research obituaries nationwide, and more. We also scan social media for relevant information as it pertains to the claimant in question. Shinkowsky Investigations’ professional and trained team conduct these investigations in a professional and discrete manner.
Insurance Fraud Investigations
Witness Interviews
Workers’ Compensation Investigations
Self-insureds Investigative Services & Third-Party Administrator Investigative Services
Shinkowsky Investigations is headquartered in Harrisburg, PA, with professional investigators and process servers in Lancaster, York, Lebanon, and Carlisle, PA, among other areas of the Commonwealth. Our clients depend on our comprehensive, efficient, and cost-effective services to meet their investigative objectives. As a professional Private Investigation Agency, all assignments are handled expeditiously by trained, experienced agents. Call us today for your private investigative, private security and process service needs.

Office Address:
4511 Jonestown Road, 2nd Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17109
Mailing Address:
Post Office Box 126538
Harrisburg, PA 17112
(800) 276-0202
FAX: (800) 996-1246